
JG Afrika’s multidisciplinary environmental division has consistently provided the private, municipal, provincial and national government sectors throughout Africa with specialised environmental consulting services. Our specialised services include legislated environmental assessments and water licence applications, business greening and sustainability consulting, biodiversity and vegetation assessments, wetland and riparian delineation and assessment, aquatic surveys, and contaminated land and remediation assessments.

JG Afrika’s sustainability team assist companies on their transformation journey towards operating sustainably. We are able to incorporate the green building principles of the Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA), thereby benefiting the occupants by achieving considerable operational savings. JG Afrika is also the development partner for EcoStandard South Africa, an independent verification body for an EcoProduct Label for construction materials (www.ecostandard.co.za).

Business Greening and Sustainability
Eco Standard South Africa

Business Greening and Sustainability

  • Resource efficiency and cleaner production audits
  • Carbon footprinting
  • Water footprinting
  • Integrated waste management plans
  • Accredited green building professionals
  • Sustainable building design solutions
  • Green procurement strategies
  • Sustainability training
  • Motivating sustainability tours
  • Development of ration/monitoring tolls
  • Strategies to manage electronic waste (e-waste)
  • Operational materials management plans – designing waste out of the system
  • Industrial Symbiosis consulting
  • Strategies to move to a more Circular Economy
  • Founder of EcoStandard South Africa, the first Ecolabel for building products in SA
  • Waste characterisation and brand audit studies
  • Development of Zero Waste to landfill minimisation and diversion strategies.

We undertake various authorisation, licensing and permitting processes for government, parastatals, mining firms, and the public and private sectors in the environmental, water use and waste fields. Our experienced environmental team, through continuing professional development, keeps abreast of all legislative requirements and changes to legislation.

Our services include but are not limited to, Screening Assessments, Applications for Environmental Authorisation by means of Basic Assessments or Full Scoping and Environmental Impact Assessments, Mining Right and Permit Applications, Water Use Authorisations, Waste Licences, Section 24 G Applications, Plant removal permits for Protected species, and Environmental Management Programmes for a wide variety of development sectors as well as the Mining sector. In addition, we also provide Environmental Compliance Monitoring Services.

JG Afrika, Environmental Regulatory Services

Environmental Regulatory Services

  • Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and associated Environmental Management Programmes reports (EMPrs) for construction, operation and decommissioning in line with the 2014 National Environmental Management Act: Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (as amended)
  • Section 24 G Applications and Rectification Assessments in line with the 2014 National Environmental Management Act: Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (as amended)
  • Waste Management Licences (National Environmental Management: Waste Act, Act 59 of 2008)
  • Undertaking approval/ permitting/ licensing processes required in terms of other environmental legislation: National Heritage Resources Act (Act 25 of 1999), National Water Act (Act 36 of 1998), National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (Act 39 of 2004), National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (Act 10 of 2004)
  • Environmental Management Programme reports (EMPrs) for construction, operation and decommission, and other Environmental Services related to mining rights and mining permit applications in line with the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (Act 28 of 2002)

Our professional team of environmental scientists, geohydrologists, geologists, hydrologists, project managers and GIS specialists provides a unique, integrated service to the industry. This integrated approach combines specialist skills that allow each project to be viewed holistically to offer environmentally sustainable solutions for the management of precious natural resources.

Dam safety legislation required a solution to the water hyacinth covering Hammarsdale Dam | JG Afrika

Specialised Environmental Services

  • Environmental management systems
  • Strategic environmental assessments (SEAs)
  • Environmental compliance auditing (e.g. Waste Management Licenses, Water Use Licences in addition to EMP’s and EA’s)
  • Environmental Control Officer (ECO) duties
  • Contamination studies and rehabilitation plans
  • Due diligence assessments
  • Biodiversity assessments (Wetland, Vegetation, Aquatic etc.)
  • Environmental screening assessments
  • Rehabilitation plans
  • Quantum calculations for Mining Applications
  • Section 21 (c) and (i) Risk Assessments associated with Water Use Authorisation Applications
  • Part 1 and Part 2 Environmental Authorisation amendments
  • GIS mapping
  • Project Management

We develop solutions for contaminated land projects for clients such as mines, refineries, industry, parastatals, municipalities and the private sector. Our expert team of geohydrologists and environmental scientists can provide practical implementation of remediation activities in compliance with section 7(2)(d) of the Waste Act (2008). By adopting a tiered, risk‐based approach, we can establish whether contamination has occurred and, if so, whether it presents a significant risk of harm. The assessment of contaminated land is required to protect human health and the environment.

JG Afrika
Contamination pic


  • Due diligence studies
  • Land contamination assessments
  • Surface water and groundwater contamination assessments
  • Underground storage take decommissioning
  • Borehole protection zones
  • Remedial design and implementation
  • Groundwater modelling
  • Sanitation protocols
  • Acid mine drainage
  • Human health and ecological risk.


  • Soil and/or water sampling and chemical analysis
  • Conceptual and site specific modelling
  • Saltwater intrusion
  • Plume delineation
  • Inorganic and organic analysis through accredited laboratories (local and international)
  • Design, installation and monitoring of groundwater monitoring boreholes/networks
  • Screening assessments
  • Site specific risk assessments.

Terms & Conditions and the POPI Act Agreement Consent Declaration

Terms & Conditions:
JG Afrika (Pty) Ltd (“the Company”) hereby advise and confirm with you that by accessing or using our website, you acknowledge, understand and agree that all information provided by you may be used and processed by JG Afrika (Pty) Ltd. The Company will not share any personal information provided by you with a third party. Personal information collected will be used for the purposes of compiling a database from which the Company may source possible applicants for future opportunities within the Company.

The Company will take all reasonable precautions to ensure the security of all information provided by you.

Please note that by submitting information via this website, you consent to the collection, collation, processing, and storing of such information and the use of such information by the Company.

POPI Act Agreement and Consent Declaration:
I hereby declare and confirm that I, as the person providing information, hereby irrevocably agree and understand that any/all information supplied or given to JG Afrika (Pty) Ltd (” the Company”) is done so in accordance with the terms and conditions late out in this agreement and consent declaration.

I hereby agree and confirm and acknowledge that:
1.The Company may use and process all my information and/or personal data in accordance with the Protection of Personal Information Act for the purpose of compiling a database from which the Company may source suitably qualified and experienced candidates for possible opportunities within the Company.
2. The Company will possess and will continue to possess my information that may be classified or may be deemed as private, confidential or as personal information.
3. All information provided by me, whether personal or otherwise, may be used and processed by the Company.
4. I have read all of the terms and conditions and consent declaration. I understand and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions as set out in this agreement.
5. I understand that I may request my personal information to be updated and/or deleted by the Company by sending an email request to [email protected].