JG Afrika’s involvement in the downstream conveyance system for the Metolong Dam Project in Lesotho included undertaking the feasibility study and economic optimisation of pipeline routes, pipe materials and sizes, as well as reservoir and pump station locations and sizes.

We undertook the geotechnical investigations; detailed design, including surge analysis, preparation of pre-qualification documents; tender drawings and bidding documents; as well as evaluation of bids.

The first contract was for a 3 km rising main from a water-treatment works to a command reservoir; 60 Ml command reservoir; 29, 3 km gravity pipeline to Mpilo reservoir; 75 Ml Mpilo reservoir; and 9,3 km connecting pipework to existing reservoirs in Maseru.

The second was for a secondary transmission system to Roma, Mazenod, Mantsebo and Morija and the third a secondary transmission system for Teyateyaneng.