Celebrating Women’s Month with a Transformative Workshop at JG Afrika

In celebration of Women’s Month, JG Afrika held an engaging and motivational workshop designed exclusively for its female staff by Shahista Thokan, founder of Silver Lining Workshop Facilitation. The workshop had a dual focus – inspiring self-expression and personal growth while nurturing empowerment amongst women, all within an environment of unity and purpose. Thokan’s expertise, combined with meticulously designed interactive activities and a thoughtfully curated program, facilitated profound self-discovery and personal transformation.

This vibrant and impactful workshop, held on August 24th, brought together female employees across all branches of JG Afrika. Beyond the one-day engagement, the event served as a potent platform to foster unity and dissolve barriers that often impede women’s progress in their professional endeavours. Commencing with a set of icebreaker activities, the workshop stimulated networking opportunities and connections amongst the ladies. This setup cultivated an inclusive environment where diverse women could engage in mutual learning, capitalizing on different backgrounds and experiences.

Central to the workshop was its commitment to transformation. The workshop included a series of engaging sessions that encompassed motivational talks, interactive activities, and guided exercises. Shahista Thokan’s opening presentation offered valuable insights into fostering self-expression, building personal growth, and fostering empowerment among women. These themes were effectively integrated into interactive activities and discussions, enriching participants’ understanding and engagement.

The essence of the workshop’s success lay in its ability to provide a conducive atmosphere for self-discovery and growth. The women of JG Afrika could actively embrace their strengths, cultivating a tangible sense of purpose and direction, both within their professional roles and their broader life contexts through their vision board.


JG Afrika’s Women’s Month Workshop was not a standalone event, but rather a cornerstone of an ongoing commitment to gender diversity and equality. By extending this platform of empowerment, JG Afrika seeks to continually bridge gender inequalities and uplift its female staff. The workshop serves as a beacon, illuminating the path towards personal and professional development, urging all women to recognise their potential and embrace their journeys with confidence.

As JG Afrika looks ahead, it remains steadfast in its dedication to providing impactful opportunities like these workshops, propelling its female workforce towards a future of equality, empowerment, and excellence.