Mzimvubu Water Supply Project

JG Afrika | Detailed feasibility study for the Mzimvubu Water Supply Project

JG Afrika was appointed by the then Department of Water Affairs to undertake a detailed feasibility study for the Mzimvubu Water Supply Project.

JG Afrika’s proposal included a 67 m high roller compacted-concrete dam at Ntabelanga on the Tsitsa River with a 490 million m3 storage capacity to supply the raw and potable water requirements for more than 700 000 people and other water consumers in the region.

This is in addition for the irrigation of under 3 000 ha of high potential agricultural land.

JG Afrika also suggested a 100 000 m3/day water treatment works at the Ntabelanga dam, as well as a primary and secondary bulk-water distribution systems.

In addition, we proposed that the infrastructure be supported by two hydropower schemes.